Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Aftermath

Sorry once again for the delay in updates, but I’ve been pulling 60 plus hour work weeks the past two weeks and have not had a lot of time for video editing. I hunkered down this weekend though and with much booze, drunken texting, and metal, finished the video, so without further ado, here is all of Team O.U.C.H.’s hard work paid off.

What the future holds

            My next huge venture is simple enough to state, and will be worlds different to achieve. I plan on doing tough mudder next year which is at the end of 2014 for Florida. Hopefully my arm will be healed by then and I will be starting up a new blog to track the training for that race. If you are interested in partaking and want free training to run the race with team O.U.C.H., simply email or message me and I’ll be more than happy to help you out, set you up, and make sure you have a reason to yell “OUCH!” after running with us!
Until the next time, Autobots! ROLLOUT!     


Friday, October 25, 2013

THE Savages Unleashed

Current Weight:  ??? lbs.
Savage Countdown: 0 days 

I apologize about being a week late in having an update after the race. My overzealous self decided it would be an amazing idea to run the race, then move to Orlando and setup my apartment this week, so I’ve had no time to work on my blog or the race video. I also took this week off of my nazi diet because I’ve been dieting since January and I needed a break, especially after working so hard on prepping for that race. The video won’t be done until next weekend either, but I can at least give you a review of the obstacles and how well team O.U.C.H. did on their first outing!

Race Review
     WE CAME! WE SAW! WE CONQUERED! Team OUCH finished with overall good times, and are as follows:
Place/ Tag/ Name/ Town/Sex/Age/ Time
205. 3323 Jahns Robert DADE CITY M 48 3:16:34
321. 6971 Vaughan Sarah LAKELAND F 22 2:44:23
402. 7089 Walker Kyle LAKELAND M 24 2:44:29
496. 4756 Myers Crystal RICHLANDS F 26 2:44:30
632. 2860 Harboe Sean BARTOW M 26 2:44:23
634. 6530 Stone Will LAKELAND M 26 2:44:29
753. 4856 Nichols Walsh LAKELAND M 26 3:16:35
Overall we finished in about 2 hours and 40 minutes. Not bad considering they tacked on an additional 2 miles at the last minutes (it went from 5 miles to 7.2).
And now for the part you’ve all been waiting for, the obstacle review:

1.     Shriveled Richard

The name more or less says it all...

An obstacle I was hoping wasn’t until somewhere in the middle of the race is, of course, the first obstacle. It actually wasn’t quite what I expected (aside from obscenely cold and causing most gown men to shriek in notes they should not be able to hit). Jumped in the dumpster full of ice water, yea, as expected, balls cold, but what makes it worse is they have 2x4s with barbed wire on top so you HAVE TO DUCK INTO THE WATER! To make it worse, the dumpsters were at a downward slant, so the ice had built up at the end of the obstacle and it progressively gets colder as you trudge through it. Upon exiting the obstacle, my feet were numb for a good 10 minutes, which I rather enjoyed to be quite honest. Everyone else in the group didn’t seem to approve of my enjoyment.

2.     Swamp Ass

 Yay for abuse of stock photos!

     Next is the obstacle designed to steal your shoes. You trudge through heavily wooded area, over 2 small river beds in a bunch of mud that smelled of raw sewage. I felt sorry for the people who did the later heats when it was more hot and humid out and im sure the smell only worsened as the day progressed...

3.     Rubbers

Ever had to jump through tires in a boot camp setting? Were they all ghetto and different sizes so it only really discriminates against people with big feet? These were, and did, and yea…I hate tires…

4.     Colon Blow 5000

 I was channeling my inner rodent...?

This Obstacle, as the signs said all around it, really made you feel like a gerbil. You crawl under barbed wire into a black tube that was so small you can’t even army crawl, you have to crawl like a caterpillar (which going at an upward slant is one hell of a workout). Then once you reach the top and the tube opens up to the underpart of a bridge only to crawl back down the other side at a downward slant, which I noticed some people went feet first and were light enough to use it like a slide. Since there was barbed wire at the end, I decided against that so I could immediately start crawling though that upon exit from the tube of the gerbil. Then we ran more and onto…

5.     Nutt Smasher

The obstacle I thought would be cake...and was sadly mistaken. When I did Warrior Dash and they had this obstacle, the wood beams were poles and sturdy, these were two very flimsy 2x4s that had been screwed together and were very long, so when you reached the center and someone else started crossing it became worse by ten fold. I almost fell off quite a few times. Luckily I was able to cross quickly and make it off to tape everyone else and we all made it across with no casualties.

 My nuts were well prepared.

6.     Lumberjack Lane

This was a…unique obstacle. You had to pick up a log and carry it in a circle, first half above water and second have waste deep in it, before continuing on the race. It was a cake obstacle, though my should was sore for 2 days afterwards since I tried to keep my head straight to film and was pushing against the log rather hard with my neck.

7.     Low Crawl

This most annoying part of this obstacle: I had to stare at Kyle’s ass the entire obstacle, and he badly needs a tan, I might add. All we had to do was military crawl under low barbed wire for about 50 ft. which I came to find later in the race is a rather redundant task to perform.

8.     Barn Doors

I liked this obstacle, it wasn’t too difficult, just tall and….well, tall. Luckily no one struggled with it.

9.     Slippery Incline Wall

This is the obstacle I froze on for a good 2-3 minutes at Warrior Dash on, and I am happy to say I didn’t this time, instead I just filmed everyone doing badass getting up and over the beast. This was one of those obstacles that looked difficult but was more fun than anything else, just run up a slanted all and climb down.

10. Mud Walls

This obstacle was refreshing, most because it had water in it and the last 4 obstacles were all mud based, so we got to finally rinse off a bit (and by this time my gloves were caked with dry mud). You simply climbed up over a mud hill, down in pit of mud water, over a wooden wall, then up and over another mud hill. Then we ran a good quarter mile to take on a whole…

11. 96” Stiffie

I was mad by the time we arrived at this obstacle due solely to the fact that my camera had died, so I couldn’t film the rest of the race. This obstacle was annoying simple and impossible all at once. Simply get over the 96” wall. The only people able to do it were Sean and Crystal…lucky fit people and their good genetic lightness…I also attempted to get up and over the all and almost had it but as my arms reached the forty five degree angle it takes to hoist yourself over it my right arm got that familiar feeling of holy shit something’s about to break permanently, so I stopped. That angered me so immensely it’s not even funny…

12. Hay Stacks
This I didn’t even really consider an obstacle. Just climb over two stacks of hay bales stacked 2 high. I actually rolled over the second one, just for fun.

13.  Wet Willy

This obstacle would have been kind of cool had Crystal not been complaining about having to piss really badly and another girl overhearing her and telling her just to piss in the water on the next obstacle prior to us arriving there. It’s a mini lake you have to hoist yourself across using a rope. The only thing I could think of at that point was to keep my head above water and keep my mouth shut, but we all know how well that works…

14. Big Ass Cargo Net

We actually skipped this obstacle for two reasons: A) the line was at least 45 minutes long because B) the obstacle had fallen apart and they were attempting to repair the broken half while people were still trying to climb the unbroken side. Im sorry, but I trained my ass off for this race to get fit, and I’ll be damned if I let a rickety 2 story tall cargo net…thing make me meet my demise. As we passed the line, we were met with a long melodic boo from the crowd, and they were met with both of my middle fingers and me melodic yelling back “Yea Yea Fuck You!”

15. Kiss My Walls

The obstacle designed to force you to cheat on it if you want to complete it. Unless you have experience rock climbing, this one is impossibly annoying, and designed to only be completed by those 6’1” or taller. Rock climber stubs along a cheaply tacked together wall and the gaps between the stubs was so far apart (and after all of those mud obstacles) it was nearly impossible to get grip unless you could reach the top of the wall. I lasted 3 stubs in before losing it. I didn’t see one person around us able to complete it without having to grab the top of that wall, sadly.

16.  Me So Thorny

This would be better described as boxed barbed wire crawling. Similar to the low crawl, but higher up in more of a cube shape and barbed wire is now on every side of you. In other words, most of our shirts got ripped…

17. Thors Grundle

This was similar to the mud walls, but as an added bonus, instead of crawling over the wooden wall in the middle, you had to duck into the mud water because the tops of the wood walls were covered in, you guessed it, barbed wire. You also had to do it twice. 

18. Missionary Impossible

This is their newest obstacle. It’s a slip in slide you have to climb up a hill on your back using a cargo net above you to hoist yourself up the hill. This obstacle would have been nothing but fun if my GoPro would have decided to quit falling off of my head as many times as it did.

19.  Back Scratcher    

This one was redundant yet I liked it since it was definitely stamina driven being this late in the race. Jump over a 5 foot wall, crawl under a barbed wire wall with only a foot or two of clearance beneath it. Rinse and repeat about 6 to 7 times and it becomes quite a challenge.

20.  Sawtooth (aka Evil Bars)


Due to the 96” stiffy incident early I sadly did not even attempts this one because I knew it would have just angered me even further. But from what I saw I know I will do it when I get another chance at the next mud run.

21.   Mud’N’Guts

I hated this obstacle not because it was difficult, but because it was traffic jammed with idiots and girls who were bitching with “OMG im crawling in like, MUD!” statements. This is just the low crawl from earlier with giant tracks of mud you get to crawl through, and we were probably stuck in it for 10-15 minutes because it’s also well over 100 ft. long.

22. Davy Jones’ Locker

I’m proud of doing this one, even though it was also rather simplistic. Just climb up the tall ladder that’s similar to a high dive, and jump into the giant pit of muddy water. The only problem was I have a thing with heights (which I find funny since I intend on skydiving here once I’m able to afford it). I froze up top for a few but then finally summoned up the courage to jump off the platform. The rush was astounding and once again, I almost lost my GoPro. This was definitely a milestone for me.

23. Colossus

Up one side...

This was their main obstacle. Run up a half pipe, grab a rope, hoist yourself up, and then climb a ladder to go down a giant slide on the other side and into a water pit. I should have been able to nail this obstacle and was literally inches from being able to, but once a again as I started hoisting myself up my right arm started that familiar ache and it hurt a lot worse than earlier, so I had to let go and simply walk around to the ladder to skip the half pipe portion. At least the slide was fun…
...Down the other.
24. Tazed

This was an obstacle I was worried about but I think my friend Kyle got the worst of it. It began with crawling under barbed wire (as normal at this point) then got to dangling strings with electricity pulsing through them. Kyle and I stopped and watched a few guys stop and cover their faces before rolling through it as fast as they could. Kyle setup to go first but wasn’t covering his face completely. As soon as he starts a cord falls in his face, I hear a loud crack, and he yells “OW, FUCK!” as he finally completely covered his face. So I waited a minute or so before going and was only hit by one cord at the end on my right knew which made my entire right side tense. It was a shocking experience to say the least, HAHAHA…..ha…..

25. Blazed

The photo op picture where everyone gets to look badass as they jump over fire right before crossing the finish line. We all jumped and finished. Our hard work finally paying off as we received  a medal, a free T-shirt, and most importantly of all…beer.

It's beer! Hooray beer!

Next week I’ll have the video done, and then I’ll wrap up this blog and tell of my evil plan for my next exploit.

Team O.U.C.H. at its first official outting



Sunday, October 13, 2013

Final Countdown

Current Weight:  210.4 lbs.
Savage Countdown: 6 days 

Saturday Run:
I unfortunately did not have one since I am in the process of moving, but here is a motivational video all the same.

Final Countdown

            Well it’s the final week before the race. I have worked hard over the past 6 months prepping for this one event. I have attempted p90x and had to abruptly stop because I became greedy and overzealous and refused to listen to my body when pushing it so hard. I’ve dropped 90 lbs. training and enduring. I can now outrun people, which always being the kid who came in last is an astonishing feat and has done worlds for my mental psyche. 
      This week I will work out minimally for the sake of not wanting to injure anything and just focusing on researching cheating methods for getting across the evil bars, because sure, I may not have reached my goal of being able to do pull-ups in order to get across them, I will still at least get halfway before falling off. Baby steps…

 No blood, no honor, no guts, no glory,

