Sunday, July 28, 2013

Eye of The Tiger Time!

     I haven't written anything for public consumption in quite some time, so I consider this a nice crash course on getting back into blogging after a long holiday from it. My name is Will, I am a 26-year-old college graduate. At the beginning of the year I weighed around 300 lbs. I made a new years resolution to get down to 200 lbs. before the year is out, and I decided the best way to do that was to find something to motivate me to be fit; a goal to work towards so that I’m forced to work towards a physical goal. Usually I’m not a person of competitive nature but I decided that prepping to do obscure 5k races would be good motivation (because those things are expensive and I am a stingy bastard). In February I ran my first Warrior dash 5k and felt great, it was a huge self-esteem boost and motivated me to push myself even further.

Shits intense!

     Since then I’ve signed up for the Savage Race, a 5 mile race with 20-25 obstacles, which is being held in Dade City on October 19th.

     Currently I weigh 227 lbs. and have 83 days to drop those last 27 lbs. Call me a skeptic, but I have my doubts I’ll be able to lift myself up and across monkey bars (one of the obstacles I fear the most for this race) so I have to resort to drastic measures. Tuesday (Tomorrow is Monday and I’m attending  a Black Sabbath/Andrew W.K. concert so I probably won’t start my cycle then) I’ll start taking supplements suggested and looked over by two pharmacists and one of my body builder buddies along with starting P90x.
The supplements I’m taking and what they do are:

·         NoXplode -  pre-workout powder with 4 types of creatine and 2000% of my daily need of vitamins B6 and B12, this should make me nice and twitchy.
·         Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) 1000mg – Prevents absorption of fats and boosts metabolism.
·         L-Carnitine 1000mg – This is supposed to help promote lean muscle building and breaking down of pre-existing fatty tissue, so hopefully it will also help destroy my current rolls.
·         Fish Oil 1200 mcg – Helps absorb the L-Carnitine and CLA better on top of numerous other healthy things because there is absolutely nothing bad that fish oil gives you, regardless of working out or not.
·         Centrum Multivitamin – Because I’m old.

Daily Supplement Schedule
NoXplode (Pre-workout)


L-Carnitine (2)

L-Carnitine (2)

Fish Oil
Fish Oil
Fish Oil


     Many people have asked me what my diet routine is, how I lost the so much already, so on and so forth, and I will touch on all of that over the course of the next 3 months while writing this blog. Hopefully I’ll reach my goal by then and be ready for holiday season, because let’s face it, after October 19th is thanksgiving and Christmas, and who wants to be on a nazi diet at that time of the year?

Here goes nothing,

